A downloadable game

Silent Earth: Resurgence is an atmospheric adventure game that blends vibrant exploration with engaging environmental puzzles. Set in a world where an AI designed to clean pollution has turned against humanity, players must navigate abandoned facilities and vibrant landscapes to deactivate the rogue AI.

Our Plan

  • Gameplay: Explore vibrant environments, collect resources, and solve intricate environmental puzzles.
  • Theme: Raise awareness about pollution and sustainability through immersive storytelling and gameplay.

Current Progress

  • Greybox Level: We've built a basic layout of the game world to test mechanics and flow.
  • Basic Movement: Players can move around and jump within the environment, laying the groundwork for future interactions and puzzle-solving mechanics.
  • Trash Collection: Implemented a system for collecting different types of trash for future puzzle-solving.
  • Laser System: Added a laser system featuring generators that emit continuous laser beams and stands that can be moved to reflect lasers.
  • Main Menu: Created a main menu for the game to provide a polished start to the player experience.
  • Day-Night Cycle: Implemented a day-night cycle to enhance the immersive experience.

Join us on this journey to create a game for P1 Games Ignite Jam that not only entertains but also educates and inspires action for a cleaner, more sustainable future.


SilentEarthMVP001.zip 410 MB
SilentEarthMVP002.zip 410 MB

Install instructions

Download the latest Build version, Unzip the zip file then oven using the .exe file

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